Friday, December 4, 2015

Hot Pursuit (2015) Full Movie Download

Hot Pursuit (2015)

Hot Pursuit (2015)

An uptight and by-the-book cop tries to protect the outgoing widow of a drug boss as they race through Texas pursued by crooked cops and murderous gunmen.


 Anne Fletcher


 David Feeney, John Quaintance


 Reese Witherspoon, Sofía Vergara, Matthew Del Negro | 


An uptight and by-the-book cop tries to protect the outgoing widow of a drug boss as they race through Texas pursued by crooked cops and murderous gunmen.

User Reviews

Hot Pursuit is a dismal comedy and a criminal waste of talent.
28 July 2015 | by  (United States) – See all my reviews
I had low expectations going into this and even then I was shocked at how offensively unfunny this movie is. I can forgive a movie when it tries to do something inventive or experimental and falls flat, but Hot Pursuit is the most cookie-cutter "buddy" comedy you can imagine, using cheap gags that have been done a hundred times before and two talented leads that cannot save this abomination of a movie no matter how hard they try.

Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vergara are talented and funny when given the opportunity. Hot Pursuit however goes out of its way to make them as unlikable, unfunny, and downright annoying as possible. Witherspoon uses a terrible Southern accent the whole movie, which is weird because she used a similar accent 20 years ago (Freeway) and it sounded perfectly fine. Vergara's accent is hard enough to understand but it's amped up to 100 here making half her lines indecipherable. There are moments where you can tell the two actresses are having fun, but the material is so lazy that none of it comes across in the actual dialogue. In fact the most enjoyable banter between them is during the outtakes where they're not obligated to follow the horrendous script.

I can nitpick this movie to death but what's the point. Watch the trailers - if it looks funny to you then you'll probably get a kick out of it. If not, avoid this like the plague. However as a fan of action comedies and stupid humor in general (The Other Guys and Harold & Kumar are hilarious to me), Hot Pursuit failed on every level and then some.


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