Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Master of None (2015– )

Master of None (2015– )
Master of None (2015– )
The personal and professional life of Dev, a 30-year-old actor in New York.


 Aziz Ansari, Alan Yang


 Aziz Ansari, Noël Wells, Lena Waithe |


The personal and professional life of Dev, a 30-year-old actor in New York.

User Reviews

One great and fun journey with many emotions.
8 November 2015 | by  (Norway) – See all my reviews
Master of None is a Netflix original TV-series that at first glance looks nothing more than your mediocre story with a single guy trying to find his love of his life. After watching through the first season one can absolutely say that it is more than that, it is funny, romantic, and sad. And goes deeper than most romance themed movies and shows.

Master Of None focuses on Dev (Played by Aziz Anzari), an Indian- American who is in his 30's and is still single. In his journey of finding the perfect girl he continuously turn down girls, always trying to find someone better, all this without knowing that the perfect girl is none existing, but only attainable in the right mindset. Every episode spread his journey out, from dating, social life and work life. While the story might not in itself sound original, the message is bigger than what the eye can see. It is not about his journey, but what he discovers while uncovering it. The story is entertaining, but the message is not really noticed before your good in the season. What I feel is important to address is that every episode is special, one episode will make you laugh, while another might give you the chills when it gets heated. However most of the episodes are somewhat more mixed, giving you a "I really want to laugh, but it might be a little inappropriate" Feel.


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